Federal Spending and Debt

The fiscal health of our nation is in complete jeopardy. Both parties have failed to produce a balanced budget within a broken system. Congressman Cloud is constantly thinking about our children and grandchildren and the America they will inherit. Without a serious congressional commitment to responsible spending, our country will remain on a path to fiscal ruin.

The federal government should not be picking winners and losers in our economy and subsidizing people to not work. Washington could learn a lot from Texas which is why Congressman Cloud fulfilled long-time campaign promises by introducing two bills that would start the process of getting our fiscal house in order: “The Cost Estimates Improvement Act” and the “Federal Agency Sunset Commission Act”.

Congressman Cloud is a “Texas Congressional Champion” with a 100% voting record from FreedomWorks. He has voted repeatedly to push back on the Washington wasteful spending culture.

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Agriculture and Property Rights

Texans are leaders in agriculture and the best stewards of Texas land. As the only Republican Member of Congress on the Agriculture Committee from Texas, Michael considers it a great honor to make sure our food supply is protected, that trade policies are structured to export more American products, and that the industries that Americans depend on everyday flourish.

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Border Security

With an “A” rating from NumbersUSA, Michael Cloud has led in Congress on highlighting the humanitarian and national security crisis on the border – connecting

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Our nation must keep its promise to the men and women who have served. We owe our veterans a tremendous debt and must ensure veterans have access to quality health care and education.

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